Mr. Liu received his B.S. degree in chemistry and chemical engineering from Hunan University and M. S. degree in application chemistry from Tianjin University. After graduation, he worked in Beijing Aeronautical Materials Institute as a senior engineer, is mainly engaged in research and development of materials. In 2000, he worked in Beijing Fuyuan Century Fuel Cell Power Ltd. as a director of the laboratory of proton exchange membrane, is mainly engaged in the study on the processing technologies and industrialization of proton exchange membrane, which is a key material for PEMFC application. In 2004, Mr. Liu joined NTD. His practice areas include inorganic and organic materials,battery, fuel cell,surface engineering,chemical engineering etc.
Patent Attorney since 2010
Inorganic and organic materials,Battery, Fuel cell,Surface engineering,Chemical engineering etc.
All-China Patent Agents Association
English, Japanese, Mandarin