Over the course of a more than 8 years career at NTD, Mr. Zhang has represented many actions of patent for many global companies including Nippon Steel, JDI, Panasonic, Johnson & Johnson, DuPont, Evonik, Great Wall Motors, SAIC Motor and many others. Also, Mr. Zhang provided the clients other services like patent invalidation, free to operation (FTO) and IP strategy consulting. Mr. Zhang also has extensive experience over non-competition cases.
Mr. Zhang has comprehensive background and experience in automation and law. His expertise in technical fields includes green energy materials and devices, automobiles, AI, intelligent equipment, automatic driving, IOT, LCD and industrial design.
Mr. Zhang maintains focusing on the cutting-edge issues in the field of patents and technical expertise, and has published many articles in professional journals and well-known online medias.
JM, Jilin University
Engineering Bachelor, Tianjin University
Green energy materials and devices, automobiles, AI, intelligent equipment, automatic driving, IOT, LCD and industrial design; Patent civil lawsuit, patent invalidation proceeding and the appeal proceeding thereof, administrative enforcement; Intellectual property strategy consultation and FTO investigation; Non-competition investigation, arbitration and litigation
Member of International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
English, Mandarin
JDI & Panasonic v.s. a Chinese large state-owned company, TFT LCD related global patent infringement lawsuits
Great Wall Motors (GWM) v.s. Garrett, Turbo related patent patent infringement lawsuits and patent invalidation proceedings
Tong v.s. Zhejiang Shuangyu, heavy industrial equipment related patent invalidation proceeding appeal lawsuit, selected as Typical Case of the IP Court of SPC in 2019
Works Co., Ltd. v. Teng Tian, heavy industrial equipment related patent infringement lawsuits, selected as one of the SPC 50 Typical IP Cases
Helpnow v. Tsinghua Tongfang, software related patent infringement lawsuit, selected as one of the Beijing Judicial Protection Top 10 Cases
SAIC Motor v.s. Jiang, non-competition investigation and arbitration
On the List of International Lawyers Talent Pool of Beijing Lawyers Association (2023)
ASEAN IPA 2024 Annual Conference in Jakarta, speaker with the topic of the Future of AI and Its Impact;
Invited by CNIPA into an expert forum concerning the Exposure Draft of the Preliminary Implementation Rules of Hague Agreement;
AIPPI China Youth IP Seminar, speaker with the topic of Foreign Practice Observation: the Effect of the Identified Article on the Infringement Determination over Partial Designs;
Reconsideration about the Constitutive Requirements for Determining the Infringement over Partial Design Patent, [J]. Patent Agency
Overview of the Partial Design in the IP Protection of Fashion Realm, [J]. Fashion China
The Situation and Identifying Standards of Joint Infringement Liability in the Field of Patents, IP House
Analysis of the Examination Methodology and Standards for Invalidation Cases of "Parameter Patents", from the Perspective of the Cases of Lithium ion Battery Patents, IP House
Thoughts on joining the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, IP House