Mr.Wang received a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation from Tongji University in 2008, and a Master Degree in Automotive Engineering and Internal Combustion Engine Technology from Technical University of Dresden, Germany in 2013. He joined the firm in 2017 and became a qualified patent attorney in 2019. He mainly engaged in the patent application translation and correction, reporting the Office Action and analyzing the references and providing the comments to the clients and responding to the Office Action.
Before joining NTD, Mr.Wang worked as engineer for product launch management in Beijing Benz Automotive Company.
Tongji University B.S., Mechanical Engineering and Automation, 2004-2008
Technical University of Dresden M.S., Automotive Engineering and Internal Combustion Engine Technology, 2008-2013
Patent Attorney since 2019.01
Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Industrial Automation Signal Processing; Automotive Electronics
English, German, Mandarin